Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A friend in need...

Tonight, totally random. We were going about our night at home til out of no where my phone rings. No one ever calls during my shows, so when niel told me who it was, i thought to myself... "thats kinda random? i wonder if that person was trying to kill the show for me" i tell him to answer it and he does and then he quickly gives it to me and says my friend is crying. i was like wtf? so i try to talk to my friend. and i hardly make out what they are saying. then they say they would call me back.

so i waited. went about my night. then around 11:04pm, my friend calls me saying "i need you" and without hesitation, i leave. i quickly got my stuff and niel got the car started and we left. so much drama... as i sat in the car pondering what could of happened, i couldn't help but think... "of all the people i have met, this person i know i could totally depend on if i ever needed anything, and vice versa. I asked niel if it took me long to get out of the house and he said no and it was a good thing he drove cause i would of drove like a mad lady on a freeway. i asked him if i should call their mom, but i wasnt sure. (now i know why i keep my friend's parents phone numbers). but i needed to retrace previous conversations i had with my friend about their parental issues. so i left it alone til we got there.

everything was a bit calmer now, story made more sense. tears were shed and wiped away. my friend already knew this, but now they know even more. That im always going to be their for you. Without hesitation, no second guesses, just tell me you need me to save you and im there.

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