Saturday, September 6, 2008

date night #12392374236498263

The best part of my date nights... are the conversations. Today I totally felt complete. I have to admit it has been a while since me and Niel had a conversation like we normally do. I understand he is busy with work, and I get it. I just miss the talks that we usually have.

Today we had dinner at Mario's Italian restaurant. So as our conversation was going, someone caught my eye. So I glanced over and so did he. Then I did another look and so did the guy and he approaches me and says " do i know you from somewhere?" sure enough, i used to work with the guy. The whole time I was thinking to myself "damn whats his freakin first name?" i knew his last name but i could not recall his first. Since i had worked at the high school before, i only knew everyone by their last name. it was rare if i knew their first. So it was really awkward when i had to introduce him to Niel.

after that, we went to Huntington beach to watch "Bangkok Dangerous"... great movie, (Devin you did great!!!) ... i never seen a preview for that movie, but at least it was not a waste of money like tropic thunder.

at the end, me and Niel just continue having our normal conversations about everything and anything. i must admit, the conversations we have are amazing. its great to have a conversation with someone who understands totally where your coming from and vice versa.

On another note, i had alot of time to contemplate on who you would really want part of your life. I started to think about everyone and the situations they are in, who there friends are, and what their lifestyle is. i started to back track alot and realized, i let my guard down again. My walls are up again, good luck getting over. I might of helped you gained your happiness, been your shoulder to cry on, listen to you vent over and over about yourself, but I'm done now. This is not to just one person, but the few that I have noticed lately.

As Kurt Vonnegut, Jr once said: "Understand that friends come and go, but with a precious few you should hold on."

(kate you are precious to me and you complete me!!!)

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