Tuesday, March 31, 2009

100th post...

Let me introduce you to my new baby... PORK CHOPP!!!

Baby love got him for me on friday... and I'm in the process of potty training him and I believe it's pretty successful right now...

Monday, March 23, 2009


Its been a very eventful month so far.. let me update you a little

March 7: Tita's surprise party. Her boys came from Japan to surprise her and were hiding out @ my house for a whole week.

March 8: Family lunch at my Tito's

March 12: BOWLING!!! then late meal @ In n Out

March 13: Ryan's bday @ disneyland. DTF for Radp's bday afterwards.

March 14: Lunch @ Shakey's for RadP's bday. Dinner in SD for Ryan's bday which followed with a trip to Josie's house after.

March 19: Good bye dinner for Eric and Kenji @ the house, bowling then a trip to 7-11

March 20: Eric and Kenji's departure. (hahha suckas who had to ride 9 in a van. Movie night @ the house along with SUPER Fries!!!

March: 21: Duplicity with Niel, Marc and Raine @ LBTC. Dinner @ Lucille's. Fun @ DNB.

March 22. Lunch @ VIP. Chilled @ Lollicup. Dinner @ Fuddruckers. Their "study" session/video games @ the house.

SHHHEEESSHHH... just looking at that list makes us look like a fat ass.. hahaha.. thats not even the end of it...


Tuesday March 24: California Adventure
Thursday March 26: Bowling
Friday March 27: Pork Chopp hunting
Saturday March 28: Six Flags

Yeah thats all i know for now.. hahaha.. other than that, I've been twittering most of my events..

Thursday, March 12, 2009

twitter me this...

twitter.com/itsannemichelle . Yeah you can find me there.. Also at cerritos lanes tonight..

Friday, March 6, 2009

Taylor Swift..

On CSI!!! only as a guest character.. but still amazing..

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Im not a good liar. hahhaa..

Everytime someone asks, "how was your trip??" i always say " it was ok" and i guess from that response they know my trip sucked.

Why am i gonna lie? the 2 week trip was just "ok" nothing compared to my one week vacation in canada. I cant wait for canada in july.

So im just going to say it. Philippines trip sucked. The only good part was seeing my family (for only 2 days) and chilling with niel's cousins. other than that, shit was weak.

Canada in 4 months!! YAY... at least i know canada never lets me down.


last night we went bowling at cal bowl. we went to the pro shop, where i was about to buy my very first bowling ball. They didnt have the color i wanted which was a good thing cause that ball would of looked like my sisters.

Myke then asked me " hey doesnt that guy look familiar?" turns out it was the guy from the show "sister, sister" raine took a picture with him.

That night was full of familiar faces. I figured it was cause it was dollar a game tuesday.

after we went to in n out. we were in the van holding up traffic cause we saw our friend driving on the street and we were having a conversation out of the window while driving. Then the conversation came up with my brother and cousin askin which active store did he take him to. We all contemplated on that for awhile. And next thing i know someone mentioned this persons name and i kid you not, it was like the whole van was like "ugh" when that person's name was mentioned.

Next thing i know i was saying out loud "fuck that cunt" and niel looked at me and laughed cause he knew where i got that word from. "HIM" hahaha...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


So, i came to this conclusion.. even though i really hate my job, I think I might actually be good at it.. hahaha...

P.S. Im learning to hate nurses that try to steal other nurses patients. GAME ON!

lighter note.. this week is totally going to be a blast. Can't wait to get the hell out of work to catch up with my cousin..

also i joined twitter..

also, for kicks: www.fmylife.com

Monday, March 2, 2009

need a good laugh


since im working with less than 4 hours of sleep, this website totally kept me awake and prolly have others wondering what the hell im laughing about..

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Killing time

So i just got off the phone with one of my good friends. I guess he tried to call me this afternoon to get something to eat, but i totally slept through that. So as he was updating me about himself, i cant help but come across this situation again. He was venting to me about his chick how she has been really shaddy lately, secretive and stuff. And as he was telling me about her pattern, i told him point blank, she is prolly cheating on you. Girls always play the same game. Its ironic that they have the same pattern. Its like theres this book out there that they must of all read at one point telling you how to cheat on your man. And i told him that im not going to lie cause i did the same exact thing the same exact way at one point.

He knows it, but what are you gonna do? He is in already such a pickle.

I updated him with me and my issues as we always do and ended the conversation with calling each other dick and that we'll try to catch up next week.

Im glad he called me. Cause it saved me so much time of blogging more about the philippines on here. I have so much anger i guess or so many negative things to say about that trip that i think a few, i take that back, MANY would be totally mad about me for saying. But i dont care. If you have 15 min to spare and want to hear how i really felt about that trip, then call me. Its funny people already know i didnt have a good time simply by hearing me respond to "it was "ok"". hahhaha...

FUCK i got to go to canada

Oh and a surprising note.. my brother actually got invited to his god sons birthday party.