Thursday, August 27, 2009

Lovers & Friends

Someone once said, not to worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it to your future.

I believe that to be true. I find that if you are constantly fighting with these people, there is a good reason why they are not around. This past 4Th of July, I did a great deal of putting this one person on blast (while really drunk). And I really didn't care either. That person made me turn on a family member and that person wasn't even really worth it. And to have someone try to patch it up for them, is straight bullshit. I knew that person couldn't apologize for their faults and whats funny is i already can hear what they were saying in response to that email: "why should i have to apologize? I'm not going to apologize to her" You ask why i know that. Because that person ALWAYS says that.

I know i still have my great deal of growing up too, but there are some others out there that need more of it than me. Apparently the word "maturity" does not run in their vocab.

I've met alot of new faces, and lost a great deal of some. But you know what, i guess they never really mattered much. If they were really a friend, they would know how to approach me by now instead of acting like they are 5 and wanting to do nothing with our "friendship". Which is fine with me cause apparently they never really were a friend to begin with. A friend doesn't take advantage of you and should follow through on their word. I guess, I let my guard down once again. Never again.

I guess its true what they say... keep your friends close, but your enemies closer...

I'm back bitches...

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