Wednesday, August 19, 2009


its been a while since i have been here. But basically....

1. Canada: hands down the best vacation for this year... way better than the philippines and I have my girls there in canada to thank for that. They totally fixed my philippines issues and made canada the best one by far.

2. Marc is finally back in town (for good).

3. Work grind M-F

4. Hiroko came for a visit.

5. Celebrated Chris and John's birthday at a Brazillian restaurant and the strip club.

6. Beach and Clubing at Blvd 3 (drama to follow)

7. Fam2 Dinner

8. The Roxy (hilarious drama to follow)

9. Hiroko's goin away BBQ at Nat's

10. Niel finds out that he is best man to Je't and Omar's wedding.

It really has been an exhausting month. I don't know how I can still have the energy for all of it. Im lookin forward to this weekend though for sure. Just a little R&R away from everything. So well deserved...

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