Thursday, February 5, 2009

Last Night...

The guys performance was great last night... good crowd too.. and you got to love the $3 shots, but when u dont have food in your system.. not a good feeling.. went to big wangs last night, but had to leave cause the kitchen was closed.. sucks cause last night will be the last time i see my best strip club partner Hiroko for awhile. She leaves back to Japan on the 16th, but im glad i got to chill with her one last time.Even though I only knew her for a short time, I'm glad to consider her one of my friends. Girlie if you read this, just remember, whenever you want to come down to visit, let me or niel know and we will totally get you a ticket down here. Whatever puts a smile on niel's good friend john, is totally worth the money.

On a side note.. i leave tonight to the philippines and will be back on the 22nd. YAY NO WORK!!! NO STUPID CO WORKERS!! NO PATIENTS TO DEAL WITH!!! YAY!!!


Josephine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Josephine said...

sorry, i deleted my first comment. LOL

but it said this:

LOL. yeah, i know :/ i mean, i've had my blogspot for over a year, but i never used it. hahaha

btw, i can't 'follow' your blog or whatever. booo!


i figured out how to follow your blog. so.. yeah! K BYE!