Saturday, August 30, 2008

tropic thunder???

So we finally watched tropic thunder...

at first when Niel called me asking if i wanted to watch it, i was feeling kinda iffy on it. usually if i feel that way about a movie, i know its going to suck. we saw it at the new theater in Anaheim at the garden walk... nice area.. cant wait to check out the bowling ally there :: ahem :: I'm sure its pricey too...

so the movie was "OK". it had its moments. But now i understood what the whole controversy was about with that movie. And i have to admit it wasn't very cool. I took it pretty offensive. And its funny how i was telling someone a few weeks ago how i felt towards that topic that its not funny to make fun of mentally challenged people by calling them retarded or acting out on it, but he was like whatever with it. I believe that there equal just like anyone else and for a movie to imitate something like that and think its humorous is just wrong. I knew i wasn't going to like that movie...

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