Thursday, August 21, 2008

sweet dreams are made of these...

They say that when you dream, its best not to ever mention it or it won't come true or that you have to dream it 3 times. Or so I have been told. My best dreams, i never mention. My worse ones, i spill it out like theres no ending. So do we really base our lives on our "dreams". They say to follow your dreams, but is it really what you want to do? How do they know that what we dream of doing or becoming will actually benifit us for the good?

I had one of the worse dreams ever last night. And i hope i never have to repeat that dream ever again.

there is a book based on your dreams. But how do i know its actually accurate? what does it mean when the dream you had makes you scream for help and you had no one there to help you. the feeling was too real. like i've been down there before.

as i sat in class today with my friend jeanette, i couldn't help but ponder trying to make of what i dreamt. and i came to this conclusion. it was like that in the past. my past relationship was like that. so why is my past trying to catch up with me?

so far i only told one of my dream. he really had no response to it except "nice" and when i mentioned i needed therapy, all he could do is agree.

i dont need therapy, i know the answer to this... well now i do... i think?

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