Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Just Breathe...

as simple as it sounds???...

Not always...

there are many things that keep us from doing so. Work, family, relationships, school, etc.

so far, this past summer, i've had 3 friends come to me with issues with their relationships. One was expected, the second was a surprise and the third was random. But they all had the same problem. Which i found to be ironic.

There are times when I believe that the single life is the way to go. You don't have that person you need to report to all the time, or the sense of boredom cause you know whats going to happen the next day before it even happens. Don't get me wrong but relationships are great. That is if it makes you complete.

i was stuck in a 9 year relationship that me, and apparently a few of our close friends, already knew was not going anywhere. You end up staying in that relationship cause you feel that its comfortable and didnt want to deal with the inevitable question after the breakup of "why?" there are times when i find myself screaming on the inside wanting out. And finally a year ago I got my out and it was an amazing feeling. But as always, there were still somethings that needed to be done first before i could finally close that chapter of my life which finally did a few weeks ago. so finally, the case of the ex is done!

the way i see it, and to others, im a very strong person and i can hold my own ground. i've learned from my past and i try to get others to understand it to. it doesnt make me unhappy cause i love where i am now. i've found my happiness, just took a little longer for it to find me.

someone once told me that my boyfriend gives me too much freedom. Yeah he does, but only cause he wants for me to be happy. but does he worry? im sure he does. if he could he would give me the world just to see me smile. he knows even the littlest things make me happy even if it means letting me be able to breathe....

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