Wednesday, March 4, 2009


last night we went bowling at cal bowl. we went to the pro shop, where i was about to buy my very first bowling ball. They didnt have the color i wanted which was a good thing cause that ball would of looked like my sisters.

Myke then asked me " hey doesnt that guy look familiar?" turns out it was the guy from the show "sister, sister" raine took a picture with him.

That night was full of familiar faces. I figured it was cause it was dollar a game tuesday.

after we went to in n out. we were in the van holding up traffic cause we saw our friend driving on the street and we were having a conversation out of the window while driving. Then the conversation came up with my brother and cousin askin which active store did he take him to. We all contemplated on that for awhile. And next thing i know someone mentioned this persons name and i kid you not, it was like the whole van was like "ugh" when that person's name was mentioned.

Next thing i know i was saying out loud "fuck that cunt" and niel looked at me and laughed cause he knew where i got that word from. "HIM" hahaha...

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