Sunday, March 1, 2009

Killing time

So i just got off the phone with one of my good friends. I guess he tried to call me this afternoon to get something to eat, but i totally slept through that. So as he was updating me about himself, i cant help but come across this situation again. He was venting to me about his chick how she has been really shaddy lately, secretive and stuff. And as he was telling me about her pattern, i told him point blank, she is prolly cheating on you. Girls always play the same game. Its ironic that they have the same pattern. Its like theres this book out there that they must of all read at one point telling you how to cheat on your man. And i told him that im not going to lie cause i did the same exact thing the same exact way at one point.

He knows it, but what are you gonna do? He is in already such a pickle.

I updated him with me and my issues as we always do and ended the conversation with calling each other dick and that we'll try to catch up next week.

Im glad he called me. Cause it saved me so much time of blogging more about the philippines on here. I have so much anger i guess or so many negative things to say about that trip that i think a few, i take that back, MANY would be totally mad about me for saying. But i dont care. If you have 15 min to spare and want to hear how i really felt about that trip, then call me. Its funny people already know i didnt have a good time simply by hearing me respond to "it was "ok"". hahhaha...

FUCK i got to go to canada

Oh and a surprising note.. my brother actually got invited to his god sons birthday party.

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