Friday, May 22, 2009

R.I.P Pork Chopp

Wednesday May 20, 2009 I lost someone very close to me. My baby bunny Pork Chopp. After I got back from SD early Sunday morning, something was not right with her. She was not as active as she usually is, she wasn't eating or drinking and was not having a normal bowel movement. Niel was pretty worried so he called Animal ER. They insisted we take her in now. So at around 2am we finally arrived to the Garden Grove ER.

They admitted her and gave her some meds to help with the pain. We were going to take her to the vet on Thursday May 21 but it was too late. I came home from work to find my baby girl laying there and not moving. I called Niel instantly and he came over to comfort me. I twittered instantly about her passing and Kate was the first to call me to see if i was ok. Many sent their condolences via tweet/text(thanks guys). Even Ryan and Myke called me.

As I sat there waiting for Niel to come, I couldnt help but think what happened. I still believe she was trying to tell me she was still not better. The night before I thought she was ok just trying to get adjusted from the ER. She was eating and everything. but still looked a little tired. That Wednesday morning she got out of her cage and just sat there on the floor of the edge of my bed just staring. I thought she wanted to jump up but she didnt. The night before she was trying to bite my finger lightly. What was weird was that she never tried to bite me. So I would just sit here and think of all the signs she was trying to give me.

It has been a pretty hard 2 days. I can still picture her running around or jumping onto my bed to run around or when i shake her bag of hay she would always come running. I miss her everyday and it sucks. I would love how she would follow me like a puppy and I would always step on her by accident because I would always forget she was there. At times i can still hear her bitting on her chew toy.

She will be very missed. Missed by many. I had to put away her home yesterday and her favorite mat. It hurts still. It didnt take me long to potty train her either. But she was the most unique bunny with the perfect fur and ears. It would be really hard to replace her...